Your contribution to the Angelic Health Foundation makes a difference.
Donations are earmarked to aid patients in extreme need, such as assisting with daily living expenses, granting a final wish, or acquiring special equipment not covered by insurance.
Contributions also support innovative initiatives such as memory care, special care kits for hospice and palliative patients, and recognition programs for our Veterans. Community and professional education programs are also supported by your charitable gifts.
The Angelic Heath Foundation is a 501c3 charity so your donations are tax-deductible and can be made in honor or memory of a loved one, as a special way to acknowledge others, or to thank Angelic Staff for their care.
On behalf of all those who have and will be helped, we thank you for your contribution.
Helping Others
Although we have not used their real names to protect patient confidentiality, these stories are real and illustrate how your donations have made a difference.
In Need of Food
Marie is a hospice patient living alone. With only income from Social Security, she often had to choose between paying her rent and buying food. She was also housebound and with no family or friends to help she was unable get food. Although she never asked for help, her Angelic Hospice Social Worker recognized the need and secured a grant from the Angelic Health Foundation to purchase groceries. Crying with joy, Marie was so grateful to no longer need to worry about having enough to eat.
Mother and Son Reunion
Joan, a hospice patient, and her son John lived in separate nursing facilities, as both were physically unable to care for themselves. Although they talked on the phone, they had not seen each other in five years. With her health continuing to fail, Joan wanted to see her son again. Because they both had conditions that required special transportation for wheelchairs, the visit was arranged for John to travel to see his mother in the facility where she was living. Joan passed soon after, but the two were both grateful to spend time together.
Quality of Life Impacted by Utility Costs
Peter is a hospice patient with COPD and other breathing issues that requires a concentrator and nebulizer to help him breathe. Although Medicare covers the cost for equipment and medications, the electric bill cost is not covered, and increased tremendously due to round the clock needs for breathing assistance. The family routinely sent Peter to the hospital when the bills got too high to pay.
The Angelic Health Foundation paid the bill, allowing Peter to stay in his own home where he wanted to be rather than be sent to the hospital.
Final Wishes
When Lorraine, a hospice patient was unable to get out to see her favorite local band play, Angelic Health staff arranged for the musicians to give her a personal concert in her own backyard.
Joe grew up around horses and truly missed having one of his own. Hearing Joe tell stories of his childhood and his horses, Angelic Hospice Volunteer worked with staff to arrange for small horses to come to Joe at his home. He couldn't stop talking about his wonderful experience.
Spread Kindness
Stories like these are common. You can honor your loved ones with donations in their name. Have a birthday, anniversary or another milestone coming up, why not ask friends to donate in lieu of gifts? Consider a donation in any amount and for any reason. This act of kindness is far-reaching and touches the lives of many.
Angelic Health Foundation Supports Community
The Angelic Health Foundation recently awarded a total of $5,000 in grants to four charities that support the needs of patients and their families during difficult times. Each charity received $1,250 towards their mission. Shown here Angelic Health Board Secretary/Treasurer Jeff Whitaker and Board Chair Vince Papaccio presented checks to Melissa King, president of The Dolores Romero Foundation; Maureen Smith Logan, of the South Jersey Cancer Fund; Mary Beth Lewis, program manager for NJ of the Alzheimer's Association; and Eileen Dillon. CEO of the Cancer Support Community of New Jersey at Gilda's Club.
These charities nominated by Angelic Health staff as organizations of great benefit in the healthcare community. The Angelic Health Foundation is a 501c3 charity and was formed to support the needs of patients with terminal or life-altering diagnosis for costs not covered by insurance, granting final wishes, providing education, recognition for Veterans, and support for community services and programs.